Oct 20th, 2015
Apple is removing several of iOS apps from its store that collects user’s private data. Collecting personal information of user is in violence of company’s privacy policy.
Oct 16th, 2015
Today Dropbox has launched Paper, its new collaborating editing tool. Paper is currently in beta and the invitation to use ‘Paper’ is beginning to be sent. It is somewhat similar to Google Docs that presents its user a shared space to work on documents.
Sep 30th, 2015
Google Maps in its latest iOS app update is now supporting Apple Watch. In the press event, Google has announced various new products and updates including two new flagship Nexus phones — the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P, Apple Watch app etc.
Sep 21st, 2015
Famous mode of communications app “Skype” went down world-wide today. Huge users are currently complaining on social media that they are not able to sign in.
We are aware of an issue affecting Skype status at the moment, and are working on a quick fix: http://t.co/ymSzmrgEX0 pic.twitter.com/8LoqqL0hh7
— Skype Support (@SkypeSupport) September 21, 2015
Sep 17th, 2015
Apple has launched its first Android app, ‘Move to iOS’ that helps you move or transfer your essential data and files to your iOS mobile device over Wi-Fi.