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Building an App on a Budget? Hybrid App Development Might Be the Answer

What is Hybrid App Development?

Every organisation, big or small, is keen on tapping into the immense potential offered by mobile app development.

With the rapid advancements in technology, the emergence of hybrid apps has revolutionised the way we create and utilise applications across different platforms.

What exactly are hybrid apps, you may ask? Well, if you are curious to learn more about this cutting-edge technology and how it can benefit your business, you have come to the right place. 


Singsys Software Services: 15 Years of Innovation, Growth, and Excellence


As Singsys Software Services marks its 15th anniversary milestone this month, we reflect on a remarkable journey of growth, innovation, and client satisfaction. Founded in January 2009, Singsys has evolved from a vision to a multinational IT company, leaving an indelible mark in the world of Mobile and Web Application Development.

CEO’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

The foundation of Singsys was laid by Sri Narayan Shukla, an entrepreneur with a remarkable story of perseverance and determination. Starting his professional journey at the tender age of 17, Sri Narayan Shukla initially discontinued his education but later resumed it alongside work, acquiring qualifications in Electronics, AMIETE (Equivalent to B.Tech.), and an MBA.


Everything You Need to Know About ASP.NET with C#

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed by Microsoft that enables programmers to construct dynamics with ease. It provides the flexibility to utilize feature-rich programming languages like C# or VB.NET for web application development. ASP.NET is an open-source framework available free of cost, and it boasts a vast user base consisting of millions of developers worldwide.

Asp .net with c#

It is a powerful combination that can help you develop high-quality websites quickly.


Why do Businesses Need a Mobile App? How to Convert a Website into a Mobile App?

Mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily life. People use their smartphones and tablets for various purposes, including browsing the internet, shopping, social networking, and accessing information. As a result, businesses are realizing the importance of having a mobile presence to cater to the growing mobile user base.

Why do businesses need a mobile app

While having a mobile-friendly website is a step in the right direction, businesses can further enhance their reach and engagement by converting their website into a mobile app through any mobile app development company. This article will explore why businesses need an app and how to convert it.


The Impact of React Js on Web Development

Facebook developed React JS as an open-source JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces (UIs) or UI components. Developers can leverage its capability to build reusable UI components and effectively manage the state of these components. React is a popular choice for building single-page applications or SPAs. It was first released in 2013 but the developer community expressed significant opposition to this release due to its integration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which altered the approach to web development.

Impact of react Js on Web Development

It introduced innovative techniques, methodologies, and utilities, such as improved runtime performance, responsive state updates, data flow via props, JSX, reusable components, and the virtual DOM. Since then it has gained widespread adoption among developers due to its flexibility, performance, and ease of use. React JS is a powerful tool for creating dynamic, scalable, and powerful user interfaces for web development.
