Singsys blog: Technologies

Microsoft Skype Translator will Translate your Speech in Real Time

Microsoft Skype Translator


Microsoft Skype’s real time translator goes live for its registered users on Windows 8.1 on the desktop or device.



Best SVG Javascript Libraries for Developers

According to W3C, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an open standard, XML-based format for representing vector graphics. SVG is the best way to create resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on a variety of devices and screens. In this article, We have collected useful SVG JavaScript Libraries for every developer out there.

1.   SVG.js



W3C Announces HTML5 Standard Complete

W3C Announces HTML5 Standard Complete

After a long stay in draft stage, HTML5 has reached the official Recommendation stage, meaning the W3C finally completed it as an official standard, even as the most of the features are already implemented by the browser. HTML is mainly developed by WHATWG group (


Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App?

Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App


Your Customers are on mobile, is your Business? Mobile Apps plays a very important role in the expansion of your Business. Mobile Apps are also called as Game Changers for your small, large and medium-sized business.


Online Tools for Testing Code Snippets

Every developer wants to check their code before it goes live. For this purpose we have collected the list of some best online tools to help programmers for testing, debugging and sharing their code snippets.

1.  Google Codes Playground

Google Codes Playground
