Singsys blog: Technologies

Apple’s iOS 7 update is live to users with new look and features

Apple’s iOS 7 update is now live to users. Users can update it free of cost. If you have an iPhone 4 or higher, iPad 2 or above, iPad mini or 5th generation iPod touch, you can now enjoy the cool features of new OS and can start updating and downloading new apps in iOS 7.


Performing Simple Animations using NSTimer class

Here is a simple tip on how we can perform simple animation on objects in Xcode using the NSTimer class to create timers that call methods at regular intervals.


Using the NSTimer class –


There are many ways to perform simple animations. One of the easiest ways to perform animation is to use the NSTimer class. The NSTimer class creates timer objects, which enable you to call a method at a regular time interval. It also allows you to update the position of an image at regular time intervals. (more…)

Use consistent naming convention in programming to easily understand the source code

In computer programming, naming convention might be considered as a set of rules for choosing the identifiers to denote variables, types and functions & methods names in source code and project documentation. The purpose for using this naming convention is only to reduce the effort needed to read and understand the source code and to also to enhance the code appearance by using appropriate and concise keys.


When running into EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors during iPhone development, enabling NSZombieEnabled can easily debug access error.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS error is a general error in your iOS application, but is hard to debug and find the route cause for this error in your application. The main reason of EXC_BAD_ACCESS error to happen is that – somewhere in your application code you are trying to send a message to an object that has already been released.


So how we will find the root cause of this error? (more…)

HipHop Virtual Machine by Facebook to speed-up PHP

Most popular Social networking Site Facebook  has moved one step ahead at making the PHP programming language runs more quickly. Facebook has developed a PHP virtual machine, called HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) that can executes the PHP web programming language as much as 9 times as quickly as running PHP on large systems.
