Oct 11th, 2013
A competent and compelling website is the face of your online business. An effective website will lure more potential customers to your business which will ultimately multiply your business profits and boost your business sale. Every website owners cannot create a website by themselves for their business. They need a good web design company to meet perfectly their business requirements.
Creating a database connection string from app.config is a very common practice used in C# windows based application. Watch the below video or follow the simple steps to make connection with database in C# window based application using App.config file. (more…)
Oct 7th, 2013
Having a good-looking and attractive professional website is a key to success for every small business owners. A well design and maintained website is important for all kind of business. Having a website for your business is best method for your users and visitors to find you. With a website, business owners can generate direct and viral traffic from people who want to know more about their products and services. (more…)
Oct 3rd, 2013
The getView() method of the class extending the BaseAdapter holds the state of the currently displayed view which is invalidated when scrolling the listview. So, in order to avoid this problem, proceed in the following manner. (more…)
Using min-width CSS command, you can specify a minimum width for any element. This can be very handy and useful for specifying a minimum width for a page or any element. (more…)