Singsys takes a step towards digital India by developing website for Government Polytechnic Bindki Uttar Pradesh. The website will play an important role in transforming traditional approach towards education by giving it a modern face and online domain that will help students and teachers to explore innumerable educational opportunities. In this manner Government Polytechnic Bindki will be another educational institute to align itself with principle of Digital India and contributing towards Skill India programme.

Tez payment app is finally launched by Google India. It is Google’s smart initiative to leverage India’s booming cashless economy .It will enable users to do the payments as well as send and receive money by use NPCI’s (National Payments Corporation of India) Unified Payments Interface (UPI). Pre-requisite to pay with this app is simply a local phone number and an Indian bank account number. Tez is India specific app that allows users to do direct payments in 55 Indian banks from one account to another.

Image credit: bgr.in
According to recent report by The Ken Google is all set to launch its India specific cross-platform payments app, Tez. This app will provide a platform for country move towards cashless economy. The release of Tez can take place on upcoming Monday.