Since the release of HTML5 integration of dynamic content in your website has become easy and quick. Previous to HTML5 dynamic content required the support of third party plugins. Among various type of dynamic content flash is most popular. You can directly embed content into the code without the intervention of any third party plugins. Dynamic content majorly includes videos, web applications, customer accounts, animated graphics and interactive forms.

After a long stay in draft stage, HTML5 has reached the official Recommendation stage, meaning the W3C finally completed it as an official standard, even as the most of the features are already implemented by the browser. HTML is mainly developed by WHATWG group (whatwg.org).
HTML5 is widely used in all web design and development companies because of its advanced features and improved functionality. It provides the latest standards of web development.
Below is the list of important and useful online tools that are best at helping people to understand HTML5 better and learn how to create HTML5 websites.