Singsys blog

Why do Businesses Need a Mobile App? How to Convert a Website into a Mobile App?

Mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily life. People use their smartphones and tablets for various purposes, including browsing the internet, shopping, social networking, and accessing information. As a result, businesses are realizing the importance of having a mobile presence to cater to the growing mobile user base.

Why do businesses need a mobile app

While having a mobile-friendly website is a step in the right direction, businesses can further enhance their reach and engagement by converting their website into a mobile app through any mobile app development company. This article will explore why businesses need an app and how to convert it.


The Impact of iOS 17: What Features Can You Expect

Mobile app development has become an integral part of businesses in Singapore as it enables companies to reach out to a larger audience and provides convenience to customers. Singapore has seen a rise in mobile app developers in recent years, with many companies offering iOS app development services. With the upcoming release of iOS 17, there is a buzz among mobile app development companies.

iOS 17 is highly anticipated, as previous versions have introduced many sought-after features. The previous iOS 16 update, released in 2022, added a range of improvements including a battery percentage indicator and haptic feedback to the default keyboard. Users also enjoyed lock screen customization options and widgets, as well as the ability to use AI to separate the foreground and background in photos and drag and drop them anywhere. The update also included a continuity camera feature, allowing users to use their iPhone as a webcam.

Top Anticipated Features of ios17

iOS 16 also offered a range of personalization options, including customizable lock screen fonts and the ability to add preferred wallpaper from personal photos, complete with optional depth effects. Live Text was another notable feature supported for videos. Alongside these updates, Apple launched the Freeform whiteboard app, Apple Music Sing, and end-to-end iCloud encryption in the iOS 16.2 update.

While iOS has been praised for incorporating long-requested features from Android flagships, some features have been notably absent until recent updates. For example, the iPhone 14 Pro lineup of phones now boasts an Always On Display, while battery percentage and keyboard haptics were overdue additions. Widgets were finally introduced with iOS 14 in 2020, with Apple perhaps lagging behind the trend.


Comparing Android and iOS Development: What’s the Difference?

This is a question that has been on everyone’s mind for years. We’ve already covered the topic of “iOS vs Android – Which Platform Should Your Business Choose in 2023?”, but today we’ll be discussing something a little different. Rather than comparing the two platforms, we’ll be delving into the development process for each.

Let me guide you through it.

If you’re planning on creating your own app in the near future, the first question you should ask yourself is which operating system you want to develop for: iOS or Android? The entire concept and framework of your app will depend on the operating system you choose, so the decision is critical.

Although the iOS and Android app development processes seem similar, there are actually some differences between the two.

 In this blog, we’ll highlight some of those differences so that you can determine which operating system is the best fit for your app development process.


Are Web Applications Worth the Investment?

In the current digital age, it is more crucial than ever for businesses to possess a strong online presence across the web and mobile platforms.

With the increasing usage of mobile devices by customers to access the internet, businesses must establish their online presence to reach out to potential clients. Besides, a strong online presence can also help companies stay competitive and drive revenue growth.

Are website applications worth the investment?

Despite the advantages of having a website and mobile app, many business owners face challenges in creating these platforms. Lack of time and expertise are significant barriers, and some may perceive the costs of development to be too high.

However, investing in web and mobile development can bring substantial benefits to businesses. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the compelling reasons why businesses should consider making this investment.


Biggest Android App Development Trends in 2023

Future trends in Android development for 2023 include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the use of 5G networks, the use of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies, the use of cross-platform frameworks, the use of containerization technologies, the use of cloud-based services, and the use of blockchain technology.

Biggest Android App Development trends in 2023

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will allow developers to create more intelligent and personalized applications. 5G networks will provide faster and more reliable connections, allowing for more immersive experiences.
