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Soft 404 Errors: How They Can Affect Your Website’s Performance

When it comes to website performance, every aspect plays a crucial role in providing a seamless user experience and optimizing search engine rankings. One such aspect that often goes unnoticed but can significantly impact a website’s performance is soft 404 errors.

In this article, we will explore the concept of soft 404 errors, understand their implications, and discuss how they can affect your website’s overall performance.


10 Reasons to Choose Angular JS for Your Web Development Projects

AngularJS, a popular JavaScript framework developed by Google, has gained significant recognition in the web development community. With its powerful features and robust architecture, AngularJS offers numerous compelling reasons to choose it for your web development projects.

Angular JS for web development projects

In this article, we will explore the top 10 reasons why AngularJS is an excellent choice for building modern web applications.


Shopify vs. WooCommerce: Choosing a Perfect E-commerce Platform for Your Business

Selecting the right e-commerce platform is crucial for businesses looking to establish an online presence. The choice of the platform directly impacts various aspects, such as user experience, customization options, scalability, features, and overall success. By carefully selecting the appropriate e-commerce platform, businesses can create a powerful online presence and unlock their full potential in the digital marketplace. 

Woocommerce vs Shopify

Shopify and WooCommerce are two prominent e-commerce platforms that cater to different needs and preferences. Shopify website development services offer a user-friendly interface, a range of built-in features, and a variety of professional templates to choose from. Shopify handles all technical aspects, including hosting, security, and updates, allowing users to focus on running their businesses.


Warning: Google to Delete Accounts Inactive for 2 Years

Starting from December 2023, Google has implemented a policy update whereby personal accounts that remain inactive for a period of two years will be subject to deletion.

Google accounts that have not been used or signed into for at least two years will be subject to removal. This policy aims to improve data privacy, security, and account management. If you have an unused Google account or know someone who does, it’s important to understand the implications and take necessary actions to ensure data retention and access to Google services.
