Singsys blog: General

Set up 301 Redirects in Apache for SEO to redirect your web pages

If you have changed the domain of your website from to and you need that your visitors accessing anything in your website should be redirected to a new domain i.e., you can do 301 Redirect in Apache to redirect your web pages to new domain (more…)

Artificial Intelligence can now break CAPTCHAs from Google

CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. CAPTCHAs are basically used in signup process of email or any registration form, post comments, buy products, online forms or other online activities. (more…)

10 SEO friendly tips for your Magento E-Commerce Website

The best platform for building any e-commerce online store is Magento. To make your online store visible to your customers or you can say targeted customers, a well defined SEO process is needed. Let’s discuss about some useful, really useful and effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips to make your online store a big and successful business for you !! (more…)

Google Introduces Expanded AdWords PLAs On Mobile Devices

Earlier Google has launched Product Listing ads (PLAs) for mobile devices that allows users to display much more products in the screen from their search result page. (more…)

Windows 8.1 released : Downlod it for free

After the release of Windows 8, Microsoft has released Windows 8.1 today morning. Users can download it for free.
