Singsys blog: Google

Google Firebase App Indexing With More Documentation & Analytics



Firebase App Indexing, formerly Google App Indexing, gets your app into Google Search. If your app is already installed when users search for related content, they will launch your app directly from the search results. If users don’t have your app yet, an install card shows up in search results. Adding App Indexing promotes both types of app results within Google Search and also provides query autocompletions.

According to the google, Fire base will be able enough to generate crash reporting by finding bugs and issues in apps.


Now Check Mobile Responsibility Google’s New Mobile Friendly Testing Tool


Google recently revealed a new mobile friendly tool which can be reached from the mobile usability report in Search Console or you can find it here

This new tool is very slick, less frightening in comparison to the original tool. In Google’s words “room to continue to improve on its functionality, and over time, we expect it to replace the previous Mobile Friendly Test.”

Even you can test websites on your smartphone too. But still there are holes to fill, Google guys need to work on.

Here is a test result of our website-


Now Share your Dropbox files via Facebook Messenger

dropbox & messenger


Click photographs and videos of your special moments isincredible thing, however remembering those recollections with your loved ones is the thing that breathes life into them,  A prominent cloud storage service Dropbox application have tied up with the Social media giant Facebook to bring incorporation of the both services. with this integration users can share records, for example, videos, pictures and even energized Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) which will be shown specifically in the chats without leaving the Messenger application, the companies say.



Google Penalty Guide: What And How to Protect Website From it?


First thing first, ‘What is Google Penalty ?’

A Google penalty is the negative impact on a website’s search rankings based on updates to Google’s search algorithms and/or manual review. The penalty can be an unfortunate by-product of an algorithm update or an intentional penalization for various black-hat SEO techniques.” – WikiPedia


In the definition above, it is clearly stated that any violators of Google’s ethics must have meet penalty. Whether it is a publisher, making spammy and poor quality content or a website having irrelevant backlinks, they must face off a penalty.


Apple and Microsoft trying to kill Android by patent suits??

Google’s Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Mr. David Drummond has written in official Google Blog about whole story of patent attack on android calling it all bogus patents. (more…)