Singsys blog: Technologies

Now Shopify Stores Will Have SSL Encryption Everywhere

ssl encryption

Shopify has recently announced that its going to make all its stores fully SSL encrypted. SSL encryption is a trusted way to make secure a user’s personal information during the payment transaction. Traditionally, SSL encryption has been going on for 20 years in online stores as common practice. But, now web standards are changing and it is recommended that each page, content and data in your website should be secured under SSL.


Google Released iOS App Testing Tools has been Open Source

iOS testing app

Google reported today that it has publicly released EarlGrey, a bit of programming that developers can use to all the more effortlessly build and run user interface tests on source code for iOS applications. Written in Objective-C, EarlGrey is available now on GitHub under an open-source Apache license.


To Clean up Your Code – CSS Variables Finally Landing in Chrome

CSS Variables



Designers who have developed any size Website have had this issue: when you have to change one of your image’s hues it’s no simple accomplishment, requiring a hazardous pursuit and replace or hunting down every instance of its use.


How to Increase Valentine’s Day Sales With Your E-commerce Store?

plugins and modules

Valentine’s Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Valentine,is a celebration observed on 14th February every year. Many people exchange Greeting cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine”. It is a festival of romantic love and many people give letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner.


Why you must upgrade your e-business to Magento 2 ?

Magento Upgrade

Programmers who care.
Magento Upgrades that won’t break your site.


Need help upgrading to Magento 2.0 ?  Click Here >>


If you are an eCommerce business you must be wondering whether it is useful to upgrade your business to the newly launched Magento 2. This write-up discusses about the latest updated version of the eCommerce framework that will help you make up your mind. Meanwhile, we are a team of Magento 2 developers with many years of hands-on experience in developing eCommerce portals and here is our take on Magento 2.
