Singsys blog: Web Design

Best JavaScript Animation Libraries and Plugins for Web Developers

1. Jsanim


jsAnim was a clumbsy and poorly implemented library for adding mediocre animations to websites, sacrificing standards and accessibility.



5 Free Bug and Issue Tracking Software


We have compiled a list of five best and free issue tracking apps and software. These bug and issue tracking apps helps both developers as well as team of developers to debug their project and also use them as project management apps.


1. Bugzilla




Image: Bugzilla


10 Free jQuery Slider Plugins For Web Designers

Free jQuery Slider Plugins For Web Designers

jQuery is a creative and versatile web development tool of JavaScript library that provides low level interaction and animation. It is used widely to build interactive web applications. To include the slide approach in web pages there are many jQuery Plugins are available online.


Github releases a text-editor, Atom for web developers

Atom for web developers


Image: Atom


Github has launched Atom, a text editor for developers which is now available as part of an invite-only beta program.



Best Free Photoshop Plugins for Web Designers

 Free Photoshop Plugins

Adobe Photoshop is the best designing tool used by web designers. Photoshop has always been a first choice among web designers because of its versatility and amazing features it provides that adds life to designs.


With Photoshop we can use many additional software known as plugins to increase its efficiency and capability that led web designers to deliver amazing designs for their web projects. We have compile a list of few Photoshop plugins that can boost and sharpen your workflow, save time and money and will lift your caliber to bring off really good designs with extraordinary effects.

