Singsys blog

The Impact of Responsive Design in React: Best Practices

Responsive Design in React

In today’s digital world, where people use a variety of devices like smartphones and desktops to access websites and applications, responsive design has become a crucial part of web development. 

Essentially, responsive design ensures that websites and web applications adjust smoothly to different screen sizes and orientations, providing the best user experience across devices. React, a popular JavaScript library maintained by Facebook is excellent for creating responsive user interfaces (UIs), so it’s important to consider the impact of responsive design within this framework.


React vs Angular vs Vue.js: Which is most Fruitful JavaScript Framework?

best javascript framework

As far as web development is concerned, JavaScript frameworks have been most sought after platforms. With every passing day, JavaScript is now gaining more than before acceptance rate among developers. Today it is not only efficient for developing frontend of the application but is equally capable of backend development.


Flutter or React Native: Who tops the board? You will be Surprised

Google Flutter

In this era when technology itself outrages technology, mobile app development for companies helping startups to SMEs is what really discussed in webspace. Wouldn’t say there is any sign of inconstant flow of niche technology, platforms, and frameworks when it comes to developing mobile applications for new businesses allowing mobile developers to create top notch applications in the market.


React is at Front of Front End Development Know why?

React Library

React a JavaScript library for building User Interfaces has seen very sharp rise in past 5 years higher than its any other competitor or even few combined, ever wondered what made it so popular so fast and so much.


Create React Native App launched for OS independent React Apps Development

Create React Native App

The launch of new Create React Native App (CRNA) will ease development of React Native project. CRNA is very much inspired with Create React App design and a result of collaboration between Expo and facebook. Now developers need not struggle with current native build dependencies while installing and configuring React Native’s as Expo app has enabled the load and run of purely JavaScript written CRNA projects with no need to compile any native code. Expo also enables you to control UI components on Android and iOS platform using JavaScript.
