Singsys blog

SDK or API which is more suitable option for a developer and when?

An API refers to a set of programming instructions and standards a developer uses to access a web tool or database.

SDK is an implementation tool that means a complete set of software development tools for the development of platform-specific apps and it’s a collection of multiple APIs, documentation, and programming tools. Even experienced developers sometimes find it daunting to opt between SDK or API. (more…)

Apple Remove Apps That Collects Personal Data of Users


Apple is removing several of iOS apps from its store that collects user’s private data. Collecting personal information of user is in violence of company’s privacy policy.


TokBox launches WebRTC Archiving and Android SDK

Today Tokbox launches its WebRTC Archiving and Android. Now the developers who are working with WebRTC Archiving and android can now build native android applications and can archive live video chats in their apps.

