Create React Native App launched for OS independent React Apps Development

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Create React Native App

The launch of new Create React Native App (CRNA) will ease development of React Native project. CRNA is very much inspired with Create React App design and a result of collaboration between Expo and facebook. Now developers need not struggle with current native build dependencies while installing and configuring React Native’s as Expo app has enabled the load and run of purely JavaScript written CRNA projects with no need to compile any native code. Expo also enables you to control UI components on Android and iOS platform using JavaScript.


This launch has eliminated the need to employ Xcode or Android Studio as well as you can use Linux or Windows to develop React  application for iOS device. You can also access APIs for contacts,maps, facebook authentication or camera. You can remove CRNA if you want to include native code and continue with in-built Xcode or Android Studio.


Get started with simply by installing a tool with help of just few command-line interface instructions for project creation to start React Native packager. Now open auto generated QR code using Expo Android or iOS app.


The entire approach is to make the process of mobile application building and testing as easy as Web apps. CRNA won’t be a pain for you if you are familiar with Facebook’s React JavaScript library rather you will experience quick development time than before


Know more about the tool from this GitHub repository. Now we have Create React Native App a stable option for general purpose use.

About Singsys Pte. Ltd. Singsys is a solution provider that offer user friendly solution on cutting edge technologies  to engage customers and boost your brand online results from a set of certified developers, designers who prefer optimized utilization of the available resources to align client’s idea  with their skillset to reflect it into a  mobile applicationweb application or an E-commerce solution.


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