Singsys blog: Marketing

E-commerce vs Market Place- What is better?

An e-commerce website enables businesses to reach a wider audience and provide their customers with an easy and convenient way to purchase their products or services online and an e-commerce website development company is a specialist in creating and developing e-commerce websites for businesses, offering various services that include designing and developing custom e-commerce websites, integrating payment gateways, optimizing search engines, and providing ongoing maintenance and support. Their ultimate goal is to help businesses establish an online presence and maximize their online sales potential. However, with the emergence of marketplaces, businesses have been presented with an alternative solution to selling their products online.

E-commerce Vs MarketPlace: What Is Better?

In this blog, we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both e-commerce and marketplaces and help you decide which one is better for your business.


Top 8 Must-Know 2023 Digital Marketing Trends on the Internet

As customers’ expectations for products and services continue to evolve, brands must also prepare for the global cost of living crisis that is expected in 2023.

This emphasizes the need for brands to be transparent and deliberate in their messaging and strategy. Furthermore, marketers must stay informed about emerging trends to take advantage of new opportunities.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels such as search engines, social media platforms, email, mobile apps, and other digital platforms to promote products or services and reach a target audience.

It involves a range of tactics including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and other forms of online advertising.


Five Artificial Intelligence Trends to Observe in 2023

Five artificial intelligence trends


Artificial Intelligence – the hottest word in the global tech market which has made life easier in this busy timeline. AI models are providing autonomous systems, cyber security, automation, RPA, and many other benefits to many industries around the world. Technology and data-centric companies need to know about the upcoming artificial intelligence trends or AI trends to smoothly boost productivity and efficiency. (more…)

Competitive Trends: Acing Core Competencies with Outsourced Product Development

Outsourced Product Development

“To thrive in this new age of hyper-change and growing uncertainty, it is now imperative to learn a new competency – how to accurately anticipate the future.”— Daniel Burrus


This goes down quite well with the ISVs which are on the constant surge to map higher potentialities to keep up the time-to-market and abate technological obsolescence prominent in the ever- upsurging competitive market trends. Accurately anticipating the prospecting insights along with full-fledged focussing upon product development hurdles down the profitability margins. Comes the long way ahead here– “the notion of engaging in outsourced product development”!


How to make your Online Marketing more Effective

Online Marketing plan

The online marketing plan is one of the most important approaches for any company that wants to expand the brand over the internet. It is not easy to compete in the technically evolving marketplace.

A strong online marketing plan is very helpful in achieving your business objectives. Let us learn how to create an effective plan for online marketing. A well-researched online marketing plan tells in detail about all the tools, and techniques that need to achieve the marketing goals.
