Singsys blog: Mobile Apps

Apple Launched iTunes 12.2 for OS X Yosemite Users

iTunes 12.2 for OS X Yosemite


Apple today launched iTunes 12.2 for OS X Yosemite users, presenting desktop support for the new Apple Music Service.


Mozilla Launches an Android App, Webmaker for Generating Content in Local Languages



Nine months since it was reported, Mozilla’s Webmaker application for creating content in local languages has now arrived on Google Play — currently though in beta version.


Google Launches Places API for Android and iOS

Google Launches Places API

Google has launched its Places API for iOS and Android that lets developers add better location selector to their apps. For iOS, Google has opened the Beta program for it today.



Google Introduces Carousel Search on Mobile

Carousel Search

Google has introduces a new feature, Carousel search on mobile that will highlights the topics such as recent articles, news etc. based on your search topic.


Strings Messaging App Allow Users to Delete Sent Messages Permanently

Strings Messaging App

A New iOS messaging app, Strings will allow its users to delete sent text messages and images permanently which they have shared with other users.
