Singsys blog: Mobile Apps

Google launches free app for Online Education Tool, Classroom

Google launches free app for Online Education Tool, Classroom

Image: Google

Google has taken another big step in education with the launch of online education tool Classroom to help in the teachers-students communication.


An iOS 7 Core Data Tutorial For Beginners

An iOS 7 Core Data Tutorial For BeginnersWe will begin this tutorial by defining some of the concepts that are required to use Core Data model before providing an overview of the steps involved in working with this framework. Later we learn how to save and retrieved data from database.



How To Generate PDF in iOS

How To Generate PDF in iOSIn some of the iOS apps there might come a time where developer need to generate there own documents on the fly and be able to export them to the user, it might be for preview, email or to save the document on the device for further use.


Optimize Layout Performance by Merge Tag in Android

merge tag in Android

Android provide an excellent feature of Merging Layout. The <merge /> tag can be used for optimizing layouts in android application. Basically it reduces the number of levels in view hierarchy, hence it helps to appear screen fastly with less processing.


5 Free Bug and Issue Tracking Software


We have compiled a list of five best and free issue tracking apps and software. These bug and issue tracking apps helps both developers as well as team of developers to debug their project and also use them as project management apps.


1. Bugzilla




Image: Bugzilla
