Singsys blog: Mobile Apps

Google Launches Primer, an App that Provides Marketing Lessons for Startups



Google has launched a new iPhone App called Primer that provides the basics for Marketing, PR and Search Advertising to Startups.



10 Essential OS X Apps for Developers

Below is the collection of 10 most useful OS X applications that developers should include in there toolbox. All these OS X applications  (most of them are free and include premium features) helps in web development process. Feel free to share your ideas and other great OS X applications if we missed any by your comment.

1.   xCode



Apple to announce new iPhone on September 9



Recode has reported that Apple has scheduled an iPhone event on September 9 and will reportedly announce its new iPhones.



Google Now launcher Becomes Available For All Android 4.1 and Later Devices

Google Now launcher


The Google Now Launcher is now available on all the android 4.1 and later devices which allows users to view upcoming appointments, weather report, traffic conditions, public transport and much more.



Facebook Removing Messaging Feature from Its Mobile App to Push Facebook Messenger



In coming days, Facebook will be removing the messaging feature from its app for the iPhone and Android. This will force its users to download and use the Facebook Messenger app to stay in touch and communicate with their family and friends.

