Singsys blog: Mobile Apps

Use MVC (Model View Controller) to separate the representation of information from the user’s interaction with it.

The Model-View-Controller paradigm applied to web applications lets you separately display code (for example, HTML and tag libraries that is rendered to the end users) from flow control logic (action classes that performs the required operations on the data) from the data model (data persisting inside the relational databases) to be displayed and updated by the application.



Microsoft introduces Node.js Tools For Visual Studio

Today Microsoft has released Node.js tools for Visual Studio in Alpha which is one of the most popular platform for writing server side code.



Use Apache Struts 2 to create and maintain enterprise-ready Java Web Applications

Apache Struts 2 is a smart, effective and extensible framework for creating enterprise-ready Java web applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time. (more…)

Use GestureOverlayView in Android for free hand drawing

You can draw anything by using GestureOverlayView class in android.




1. Implement the OnGesturePerformedListener interface
2. Override onGesturePerformed method.



Apple launches iPad mini with Retina Display

Apple store has finally released the iPad Mini 2 with retina display. iPad Mini is now available for purchase on its official online store.

