Singsys blog: Mobile Apps

Facebook Removing Messaging Feature from Its Mobile App to Push Facebook Messenger



In coming days, Facebook will be removing the messaging feature from its app for the iPhone and Android. This will force its users to download and use the Facebook Messenger app to stay in touch and communicate with their family and friends.



Apple’s OS X Yosemite Beta Preview

Apple’s OS X Yosemite Beta Preview


Apple has unveiled its latest version of desktop Operating system, Mac OS X Yosemite. Anyone having a Mac can download and install a preview version of the software.



Excellent Wireframe and Mockup Tools for Web Designers

If you want to create a new design concept or a prototype of a website & mobile apps, here is the list of best wireframe and mockup tools (some of which are 100% free) that will help to analyze layout, design, and functionality.

1.  Balsamiq Mockups

Balsamiq Mockups


Google Introduces Android L Developer Preview


Android L Developer

Image: Google


Google today at I/O developer conference, announced a next big android update i.e the developer preview version of Android L, the upcoming android operating system.


Convert the PDF into images in objective C

Convert the PDF into images in objective C

I would recommend you to use LibPdf, for PDF to Image conversion. This library will convert PDF file to image with PNG and BMP as supported image format.

