Singsys blog: Objective C

Using Swift to Call Objective C Code

 Swift is a new programming language that is purely compatible with objective C. This makes it possible to use objective C file code in Swift file

Swift is a new programming language that is purely compatible with objective C. This makes it possible to use objective C file code in Swift file. Apple claims the co-existence of Swift and Objective C in an application but, this does not relate to re-using old classes made  in Objective-C whilst building new classes in Swift. The reason being as Objective-C is a platform-independent language unlike  Swift is platform-dependent. Now, implementing non-platform-dependent code in Swift won’t be fruitful. henceforth, writing platform dependent code in Swift would be absolutely fine.


Right Approach to interact Objective-C Classes in CocoaScript

Right Approach to interact Objective-C Classes in CocoaScript-Singsys

In this post we will learn the basics of how to use CocoaSpirit for interacting with Objective-C. Let us consider the following example.


Example of Objective-C class

@interface Object1 : NSObject
@property id value1;
@property NSArray *array1;
– (void)selector1;
– (void)selector2:(id)arg1 withArg2:(id)arg2;
