Instagram built a new video app for making short, action-packed video loops. Instagram doesn’t want its feed getting rancid, but doesn’t want to inflate its app with more characteristics either. So today it’s releasing Boomerang on iOS and Android.
Oct 23rd, 2015
Facebook search now showing up results from all posts across entire social network you have access to. It will bring out or discover almost 2 trillion Facebook posts and will display those results for which you have enough permission to see.
Oct 9th, 2015
Selecting the right internet marketing agency for your business is a sheer must for those who wish to prevail in today’s competitive market. In today’s Internet advertising world there is a broad expectation to absorb information to beat, keeping in mind the end goal to augment your business goals.
How to create an emphatic website, just use these points then you can easily achieve your target to make a good looking web design for your business that will increase your business revenue and visitors also.
Aug 12th, 2015
Google has now a new company called Google Alphabet run by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Larry Page will work as CEO and Brin as president. Sundar Pichai is now taking over as CEO of Google.