Microsoft search for new CEO ends at Satya Nadella as Microsoft has declared Satya Nadella as its new CEO. Satya Nadella has joined Microsoft 2 years ago, he says “Many companies aspire to change the world. But very few have all the elements required: talent, resources and perseverance. Microsoft has proven that it has all three in abundance.”

During this Christmas time, Microsoft is giving 20GB of extra SkyDrive storage to Windows Phone users for a year. This 20 GB free storage would be available for a year and windows phone users can claim it by the end of coming January.

Microsoft has announced a new service/import tool that will allow users to switch from Gmail to its Outlook.com mail service. So if you are considering to move from gmail to outlook mail service, you can do it easily with the new Outlook.com import tool.
Today Microsoft has released Node.js tools for Visual Studio in Alpha which is one of the most popular platform for writing server side code.
Those who were not happy from Windows 8 for the lack of certain features and functionalities such as lack of start button, Microsoft has finally confirmed to release Windows 8.1 with improved features to the general public in October 2013 starting at 12:00am in New Zealand.