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Hyderabad Born, Satya Nadella named Microsoft new CEO

Satya Nadella named Microsoft new CEO


Microsoft search for new CEO ends at Satya Nadella as Microsoft has declared Satya Nadella as its new CEO. Satya Nadella has joined Microsoft 2 years ago, he says “Many companies aspire to change the world. But very few have all the elements required: talent, resources and perseverance. Microsoft has proven that it has all three in abundance.”



Facebook Celebrates its 10th Birthday


Source: Facebook

Famous Social Networking website has turned 10 on Tuesday, Feb 4. The Company Facebook was launched by a yound and dynamic Mark Zuckerberg on Feb 4, 2004, a student at Harvard University.



5 Things to consider before designing any website

5 Things to consider before designing any websiteWebsite designing for your Business is the first and most important step in creating your business identity on the internet. Designing a website for your business helps users from around the world to easily contact you and know more about your services. Without a website you are no-where in the competitive market. Even if your business is running successfully in the past but with the emerging trend of smartphones, you are almost 50% of potential customers.



Facebook launches ‘Paper’, a News Reader App


Facebook today has announced a news reader app known as Paper for providing a way to maximum number of users to read news using their smartphones on the go where readers can browse through different news section and read any news from the section of their choice.



What is Responsive Web Design and Why Your Business need Responsive Website?

responsive web designA proficient and compelling website is the frontal of your online business. Having a website for your business is best method for your users and visitors to find you.  With a website, business owners can generate direct and viral traffic from visitors and customers who want to know more about their products and services. As having a good looking and professional website is necessary for your business, at the same time you need to be sure that your website is responsive too. Responsive web design is the primary source of ultimate success of your online business.

