A mobile application in today’s world is key to transforming your business to the highest level of user satisfaction as well as brand establishment. You might be a start-up, giant enterprise, or mid-size business but you will require an app that will multiply the productivity of your business.
Feb 24th, 2017
It is good that you are ready with your App launch but, it will be great to figure out how to commercialize your app to maximize it monetization. Majority of developers are facing the same scenario. More than Million applications are available at Play Store with majority of them free of cost. App development is quite easy in comparision to app monetization as plethora of apps are available for every user.
Jan 10th, 2017
It is quite evident that iOS app development will continue to dominate the technology in all sphere of life in future as it is today. Smartphone users will grow from 4 billion users in last year to almost 5 billion users in 2017. Mobile app development will further grow into newer dimensions. In order to execute a new mobile development policy, a very strong and comprehensive understanding of latest trends emerging currently is required. Here i discuss key trends that are imperative to ensure quick and quality development in 2017.
Dec 19th, 2016
Startups have always been a bit apprehensive regarding the merits of Android or iOS when it narrows down to to app development. Developers use to believe that building an iOS app was beneficial that will bring in more traffic, extra users and more profit. Today the scenario is changed and it is tricky to figure out whether choose iOS or Android app development for building a business app. You need to focus over important factors discussed here.
Dec 16th, 2016
Building a mobile app for particular business goal helps in reaching greater audience. There are numerous platforms but, only few are suited to built particular type of apps. Here we present a comprehensive list of top 10 mobile app building platforms