Singsys blog: Social Media Updates

Twitter Launches ‘Highlights’ For Android Users

Twitter Launches 'Highlights' For Android Users


Twitter has unveiled a new tool ‘Highlights’ for Android, which shows the summary of the best tweets you missed. It will show some of the best tweets of the day directly to user’s phone.



Google will Begin Ranking Mobile-Friendly Sites higher in Search Results

Mobile-Friendly Sites

Changes to Google search algorithm are coming and starting from April 21, Google will start ranking those websites higher in search results that are “mobile-friendly”.


Google Introduces Carousel Search on Mobile

Carousel Search

Google has introduces a new feature, Carousel search on mobile that will highlights the topics such as recent articles, news etc. based on your search topic.


Facebook Buys Video Compression Startup, QuickFire


Facebook has acquired QuickFire, a video compression startup to boost its video efforts and improve video experience.



Facebook Buys Speech Recognition Company

Facebook has acquired a speech recognition startup, which focuses on natural language and voice interfaces software.
