Best way of Keyword type selection for your Website

7 minutes read

Keyword research

The very first thing users do to find information about products and services they are interested in is type the keyword phrase in the search box. These keywords carry a strong value in terms of connecting websites to the users. Digital marketers target their audience using these keywords so an effective keyword search is important to ensure a successful marketing campaign.

Keyword Research

Keyword research refers to the method of finding the best possible keyword for the website. It is an important step for growing traffic on your website in a fast manner and eventually monetizes it.

keywords reserach

Image credit: Marketing And Growth Hacking

How to select the best keywords

These five techniques will help you decide which keywords you should choose for your new website content or to optimize the existing content.

– Create a list of keywords that your target audience might be interested in and use it when looking for your product or service. It is recommended to consider synonyms as well as common spelling mistakes.

– Search these keywords to find your competitor. Explore the competitor website to find the keywords mentioned on their page title and content headings.

– Visit to find the keywords that send maximum traffic to the website of competitors.

– Web analytics tool is best to find a list of keywords that brought users from search engine to your site. This will also give your keywords list that has enabled visitors towards a conversion(ie: sales, form submissions, inquiries, etc.).

– You will get insights about monthly searches done for your keywords using Google’s Keyword Suggestion tool. It will also reveal the level of competition for every keyword.

Short Tail Keywords Research

These keywords are pretty general and broad and hence might carry various intentions. They have very high search volume and competition as well have high cost-per-clicks but less conversion rate.

If you want plenty of traffic to your website then you should prefer short tail keywords. If your site is new it will take more time to achieve the target.

Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

These are a minimum of three words long keywords and are easier to rank than short tail keywords.You need to be clear regarding what makes your product or service unique and useful?  What type of users are looking for your service? Why would they choose you over others?

These unique features will help you guide you in finding the best long-tail keywords. Keywords need to highlight what you are best at and what makes you different from others.

Google Keyword Planner

Google AdWords Keyword Planner is the best place to begin keyword research among multiple online tools to find long-tail keywords in your domain.

Simply, log in with your AdWords account and search for  “Keyword Planner” under the Tools tab.

keyword planner

Now it is required to select the option to search for keywords using the phrase, website, or category.

You will get a list of keywords generated based on the chosen criterion. Interestingly, the tool will reveal the competition level for all keywords as well as the expected amount for pay-per-click. This will provide a fair idea about the worth of every keyword in terms of the difficulty level of ranking keywords in organic search.

“Technical SEO is one of the factors driving improved conversions. Using long-tail keywords, easy URLs, meta descriptions and title tags improves visibility and therefore conversions. –Sharon Hurley Hall

Other Powerful methods to strengthen the Keyword list

No doubt that the above tool will provide you lots of good ideas but you shouldn’t limit your keyword research here. Below are places to find long-tail keywords that might be really useful.

Google autocomplete feature.

As soon you type your search term in the Google search box there appears a drop-down list of terms being used for searching. You need to explore them by simply adding extra words or letters in your search term to find different keywords

google autocomplete

Image Credit: SEMrush

The related search terms.

When you search for a keyword, Google suggests multiple keywords that are related to your keyword at the bottom of the page.

keyword suggestion

Image Credit: SEMrush

What users discuss on forums

Try monitoring what users are talking about your product or service over the Internet. It is as simple as you simply visit the famous QnA portal Quora. Here you need to focus on questions asked by users and extract keywords from there. These questions with maximum views will provide you with all important long tail keywords that you should add to your keyword list.

This will ensure your keyword list is equipped with keywords that are very popular among the users


Image Credit: SEMrush

Try to Keep User Intention in Mind

Now as your long-tail keywords are ready but give a thought before, using them make sure the content provides absolute and appropriate information to the users.

Some long-tail keywords that don’t fit your website content should not be used in spite they are easy to rank as it will only irritate users when they don’t find what they are looking for on the website.

Long-Tail Keywords  – Effective Usage

Simply finding a list of good long-tail keywords is half the task. Now you need to use these keywords in most impactful manner. You can get creative with these keywords by adjusting them a little.

Try including the long-tail keywords with their variation in the title, header, and sub-header of the page naturally. You should also put it in the first paragraph of your website and most preferably in the first sentence. The trick is to use keywords effectively in your content than to put them forcefully and compromise the usability.

The Bottom line

Well, keywords are not the only thing in SEO yet, they play an important role in any good SEO practice. If you aren’t ranking well for short-tail keywords then prefer switching to long-tail keywords. Once you discover the right set of keywords that work for you then it is easy to witness a ranking boost and eventually boost in traffic.
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