Singsys has several clients got duped by fly by night freelancers at various online meeting places. These guys from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Philippines offer attractive price and lure innocent non-IT savoy clients in to their trap just to grab $50 or $100 advance payment and after that stop communicating or do a little bit of work and disappear. Some even offer to clone Youtube and Facebook like sites for couple of hundred dollars. (more…)
Drupal 7 has been a multi-year effort on behalf of over 1,000 contributors. Since February 2008, we’ve manged to make enormous improvements; it is a true metamorphosis for designers, developers, and administrators.
PHP is already popular, used in millions of domains (according to Netcraft), supported by most ISPs and used by household-name Web companies like Yahoo! The upcoming versions of PHP aim to add to this success by introducing new features that make PHP more usable in some cases and more secure in others. Are you ready for PHP V6? If you were upgrading tomorrow, would your scripts execute just fine or would you have work to do? (more…)
Read this nice article at (more…)
PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded, scripting language which gives the user the power to create web pages ‘on the fly’ All the processing of the PHP script is carried out by the server (interpreted line by line), and the user’s browser receives the resulting HTML produced.
(In contrast, a client-side scripting language, like JavaScript, relies on the ability of the home user’s computer to be able to interpret the instructions) PHP has become the most popular server side language used for website creation.
Some of the reasons why this has become so widely used are…
- It’s free to use
- It’s open source, and as a result has developed to meet the needs of the web programmer
- There is a large community and knowledge base
- It’s cross platform (it can run on a windows or unix server)
- It’s fast