PHP due to its ability to integrate superior features into web application is globally most popular languages among developer community for web app development. However, coding in PHP might me tricky task for few of us. You can follow a few great tips to help you code in PHP with ease.
WordPress is no doubt a popular and equally powerful CMS but, it is lots of HTML and PHP loops that are quite often very hard to comprehend hence, developing on top of WordPress seems very frustrating. Let us now explore possibilities of ReactJS for development of app front end, React Router for routing and Webpack for keeping it all together. You can also integrate Advanced Custom Fields for creation of a very intuitive solution.
HTML 5 seems to be underutilized by designers considering the fact like an average business site might always not make use of canvas but learning HTML 5 canvas will be an added advantage to a designer. Canvas allows creation of really useful real-time graphics that enables drawing or animating on web page directly. Let us explore this awesome feature in detail
WordPress is unconditionally the global favorite CMS to establish your website on internet. It has a key role in boosting the online presence aka digital identity for millions of website owner and agencies. WordPress comes with several hundred options that extend its flexibility further. Choice of right theme or plugins might seem tough job.
Designers love to embrace trending Web designs and that should be done in order to outpace their competitor and lead the ever increasing competition. Majority of these trends that tends to affect web design are from niche like fashion, entertainment, lifestyle, music and technology. But, an important parameter that is often overlooked by designers when they follow trends blindly is determining details regarding usability.