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Sarahah App to Deliver Users Constructive Criticism Completely Anonymously

sarahah app

Image credit: Google Play 

Sarahah  is a recently launched  app that will help user to discover their strength, weakness and other remarks by their close ones. The USP of the app lies in the fact that the message you will receive will be completely anonymous. Anonymity has been always leveraged to present the raw and brutal feedback and same is the logic of sarahah.


Top 6 Key Factors To Consider While Mobile App Development

Factors to consider while mobile app development

A mobile application in today’s world is key to transforming your business to the highest level of user satisfaction as well as brand establishment. You might be a start-up, giant enterprise, or mid-size business but you will require an app that will multiply the productivity of your business.

Cloud Architecture flexibility to leverage Mobile App development

Mobile cloud architecture is unconditionally a necessity for any business.Cloud and mobile devices represent a major revenue opportunities that require equal support of cloud and mobile devices aka synergetic relationship.




Mobile development focus on easy to use features as well as they are clutter free since the space on mobile screen is limited.Mobile updates show up at such pace one need to have prompt mindset.

To hire an experienced mobile developer is expensive and a bit difficult.Training Program for existing developers involve time and money at the same time it is a challenge.


10 Best Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks

Generally, mobile apps in Android, iOS, and Windows Phone are built using completely different programming languages; an Android app uses Java, an iOS app uses Objective-C, while a Windows Phone app uses .NET.

But now, anyone having the basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can build a mobile application. The key benefit of using web technology to build your app is Portability. Using a packager/compiler, like PhoneGap, developers will be able to port and install app on many different platforms.

There are many tools and framework that make this possible. They reduce the work to half to bridge the gap between web and mobile platforms. In this article, we’ll decided to cover the best of mobile app frameworks available in the market as of today.

1.   Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch
