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Skype’s Real Time Translation to Connect Users Globally

skype translator

Skype included an interesting new trait into its preview build of the Skype Windows Store app. The latest version of Skype Preview can now translate your communication in real-time using Skype Translator when you call mobile phones or landlines more ever, no Skype required on the other end.


Communication App, Skype is down worldwide





Famous mode of communications app “Skype” went down world-wide today. Huge users are currently complaining on social media that they are not able to sign in.





Microsoft Skype Translator will Translate your Speech in Real Time

Microsoft Skype Translator


Microsoft Skype’s real time translator goes live for its registered users on Windows 8.1 on the desktop or device.



Skype to Block Local Voice Calls on Mobile, Landline from India

Skype to Block Local Voice Calls on Mobile


Skype said that it will stop the calling feature from its application on mobile and landline phones within India from 10 November 2014.



Microsoft Unveils Real-Time Speech Translation feature for Skype

Real-Time Speech Translation feature for Skype



Microsoft’s Skype is testing out the feature of speech translation that will allow the peoples from different countries who do not speak in same language to communicate with each other.
