Google introduces AMP in Gmail for Interactive Experience

3 minutes read

Google AMP

The upsurge in mobile messaging apps posed a threat to the domain of email. Google’s introduced Accelerated Mobile Pages to emails which is a significant step towards equipping email users with the amazingly fast rendering of mobile web pages. Google consider email as a reliable platform for people who are interested in information about travel, events, latest news, e-commerce and much more. AMP integration into the email will ensure information remains dynamic and updated for rich user experience.

Google AMP

Image credit: TechCrunch


The benefit of AMP in email is that upon content update it will be possible for recipients to browse email content very similar to web page browsing experience. Currently, the email is not very interactive as in most cases the user is required to visit an embedded link. AMP in email aspires for an experience where a user will not have to leave email client to finish the task.


The SEO Perspective

Speed is an important parameter in search engine ranking. When two posts with the equal score in all SEO related parameters then their loading speed will be given emphasis and the one with less loading time will witness better ranking in search results.


The User Experience

Introduction of AMP for Email will allow users to integrate an interactive calendar into their email. This will cut short the hassle of going back-and-forth to know your schedule. The user will experience their email information to be dynamic and updated.
Google AMP

Image credit:9to5Google

Big brands are familiar with the importance of AMP in the email. Pinterest, Booking .com and doodle are keen on providing a better user experience. It has opened new possibilities for companies to better engage with their audience.
The interesting part is that AMP for email is not completely a Google product as it wants other email client providers to implement it.


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