Dec 19th, 2016
Startups have always been a bit apprehensive regarding the merits of Android or iOS when it narrows down to to app development. Developers use to believe that building an iOS app was beneficial that will bring in more traffic, extra users and more profit. Today the scenario is changed and it is tricky to figure out whether choose iOS or Android app development for building a business app. You need to focus over important factors discussed here.
Dec 16th, 2016
Building a mobile app for particular business goal helps in reaching greater audience. There are numerous platforms but, only few are suited to built particular type of apps. Here we present a comprehensive list of top 10 mobile app building platforms
Dec 15th, 2016
Google announced a dedicated OS Android Things for Internet of Things by releasing it’s developer preview which is currently available for Edison,Raspberry Pi 3 and NXP Pico. Few more additions into Android Things will ensure integration of seamless cloud service. Few more additions into Android Things will ensure integration of seamless cloud service also. It will make coding easier for IoT enabled devices.
Dec 13th, 2016
Skype included an interesting new trait into its preview build of the Skype Windows Store app. The latest version of Skype Preview can now translate your communication in real-time using Skype Translator when you call mobile phones or landlines more ever, no Skype required on the other end.
One very critical aspect to consider that ensure a secured online payment system is an appropriate payment gateway. If you’re planning to use Magento payment gateway, Our India specific PayUBiz Payment Gateway is an excellent option to go for. It is designed to process credit card data securely between the customer and the merchant as well as between merchant and the payment processor.