Singsys blog

Sony launches Dual USB pen drive for smartphones in India

sony pen drive for smartphone


Sony has launched the world’s first pen drive for android, tablets and other smartphones in India. The new USB drive is said to be “2-in-1” device, with dual micro USB and USB 2.0 connectors for fast and easy back-up.



Apple discloses deal to bring iPhones to China Mobile



The long heard partnership of Apple’s and China is now declared officially according to a press release issued by Apple. The announcement outlined the deal as a “multi-year agreement.”



Microsoft gifts 20GB free SkyDrive cloud storage to Windows Phone users

SkyDrive cloud storage

During this Christmas time, Microsoft is giving 20GB of extra SkyDrive storage to Windows Phone users for a year. This 20 GB free storage would be available for a year and windows phone users can claim it by the end of coming January.



Apple Mac Pro with 4K display Launched

Apple Mac Pro with 4K display Launched

Apple’s high end U.S.-assembled mac pro is now available on sale which is designed for high end users. The price of mac pro starts at $2,999.



How to Set-up Magento Google Analytics

Magento Google Analytics


Google Analytics is a free Google service which allows web masters and business owners to monitor traffic, track page views and sales conversions. Google Analytics provides detailed statistics about the web traffic and is the most popular and best website traffic tracking tool used by website owners.
Magento is one the most popular Ecommerce platforms for building a stunning e-commerce website. It is widely used by developers in e-commerce web development. We can set up Magento Google Analytics to gain insights into which page of our ecommerce website gets maximum views, less traffic and many more traffic analysis features.

