Singsys blog

Adobe brings 3D Printing Tools to Photoshop

3D Printing Tools


A good news for all designers, Adobe is bringing amazing 3D printing tools to Photoshop CC with MakerBots and Shapeways Integration.



Google Buys Nest for $3.2 Billion

Google Buys Nest


Google just purchased Nest, a maker of high quality and smart Thermostats ans Smoke Detectors for $3.2 Billion in Cash. Nest was founded by Tony Fadell, a former Apple employee.



Lenovo launches Dual mode notebook IdeaPad A10 for Rs 19,990

Lenovo has launched the Android based Dual-mode notebook, IdeaPad A10 in India for Rs 19,990. Isn’t the price amazing guys??



Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone launches Jelly, a Q&A Search Engine


Twitter Co-Founder, Biz Stone launches a Question and Answer App Jelly which is available worldwide on iOS and Android. According to post on Jelly Blog “Using Jelly is kinda like using a conventional search engine in that you ask it stuff and it returns answers. But, that’s where the similarities end.”



Yahoo launches online technical Magazines

Yahoo launches online technical Magazines

Yahoo launches digital Technical and Food magazine. This online magazine is mainly focused on Food and Technology.

