Microsoft has announced a new service/import tool that will allow users to switch from Gmail to its Outlook.com mail service. So if you are considering to move from gmail to outlook mail service, you can do it easily with the new Outlook.com import tool.

In android system, activity gets destroy in two scenarios.
1. When user press back button or write code in activity to destroy itself.
2. When activity is currently in paused/stopped state and it is not used in for a long time and current foreground activity requires more memory or resources.
Recently Google has launched a new tool that allows users and photographers to create their own street view by using Android photo sphere.. According to Google this new tool will expand the reach and uses of Street View among all.

Soon millions of mobile users in India would be able to access Twitter, a social networking site on their mobile phones without even having an internet connection.
Are you too lazy to socialize ? Allow Google to do it for you. Google may be planning to let its software or automated bots do your socializing for you.