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Why you must upgrade your e-business to Magento 2 ?

Magento Upgrade

Programmers who care.
Magento Upgrades that won’t break your site.


Need help upgrading to Magento 2.0 ?  Click Here >>


If you are an eCommerce business you must be wondering whether it is useful to upgrade your business to the newly launched Magento 2. This write-up discusses about the latest updated version of the eCommerce framework that will help you make up your mind. Meanwhile, we are a team of Magento 2 developers with many years of hands-on experience in developing eCommerce portals and here is our take on Magento 2.


jQuery, Most Popular Javascript Library Now 10 Years Old

Javascript Code

jQuery, the JavaScript library everybody loves to abhor, has turned ten years of age today. The library was initially presented in 2006 by John Resig, at BarCamp in New York City, as a side task he had dealt with in school.


Twitter Network Down Globally After Technical Fault

Twitter Down


Social network Site Twitter is offline for users, with web comer being greeted by an error page while company saying it is working on resolution.


Some mobile users are also unable to tweets to the network, which has over 300 million active members. Twitter chose to communicate the problem via a tweet, in which the company said it was apprised of the problem. Trying to access the network over the web just returns the standard “something is technically wrong” error screen, and the service is also suffering outages on apps and software like TweetDeck. So far the world doesn’t seem to have ended because of the outage, but without Twitter working, who would know if it had? (Source by Theverge)

Apple Xcode 7.3 Beta Released For Better Code Completion & Support For Swift Toolchains

Apple Xcode

Apple has recently released a new version of its code editor and IDE: Xcode 7.3 Beta.

The new version accompanies by a few additions and upgrades, for example, better code finish and support for Swift toolchains. Since Apple recently offered an open-source version of its Swift programming language, it was just characteristic that Xcode’s forthcoming variants will offer more space to play with for Swift coders, and Xcode 7.3 Beta does not disillusion.


Super Six Tips to get started with Responsive Web Design

responsive web design


Responsive web design service can be well expressed as the most diversified activity with multiple variation in styles and qualities. One of the crucial factors of achievement in Responsive design is creativity and best ability to design a most attractive site for both mobile users and desktop users.
