Designing is all about discovering which maintains a balance between form and function. App design very particularly represents the idea behind designer app development. Material design by google is the type of design language to build effective mobile apps. These tools are accessible by Google’s material.io link. Let us have a brief look at these.
Google announced a dedicated OS Android Things for Internet of Things by releasing it’s developer preview which is currently available for Edison,Raspberry Pi 3 and NXP Pico. Few more additions into Android Things will ensure integration of seamless cloud service. Few more additions into Android Things will ensure integration of seamless cloud service also. It will make coding easier for IoT enabled devices.

Google announced a major update to prioritize mobile version over website version. As the majority of its users currently prefer mobile devices to search their query as opposed to any other device, and so a change was required sooner or later.
Google eventually rolled out its mobile first index. The latest index considered by Google will prioritize mobile version over the website version. Basically, Google is segregating the indexes unlike now where single index for mobile as well as desktop with little change depending on device orientation Google from now onwards will rely on two different index one for mobile and other for desktop.

Nexus owners are you ready for upcoming!
Nougat. The date announced for the Android 7.0 update on Nexus 5X and 6P by Canadian operator Telus in its latest software update schedule is August 22.
As like all major phone manufacturers LG got the final code in advance from Google but it is restricted to start its preview before the official launch of Android 7.0 aka Android Nougat.
If everything goes on at same pace we will see an official announcement from Google, followed by system images next Monday morning followed by the usual over-the-air push. A possibility also arises for Android Wear 2.0 to show up but it is yet not confirmed.
LG V20, will be the first phone to get shipped with Nougat.

At times Video Calling can be irritating experience if you doubt will you be able to connect or is my friend on same type of device . These all reasons restrict us from making a video call.
The Simple Solution to address your problem is Google Duo a 1-to-1 video calling app for all to enjoy video calling seamlessly. Google Duo app available for Android and iOS. Google Duo resolve the complexity out of video calling, so that you can be together in the moment irrespective of where you are.