Singsys blog

Apple Launched iTunes 12.2 for OS X Yosemite Users

iTunes 12.2 for OS X Yosemite


Apple today launched iTunes 12.2 for OS X Yosemite users, presenting desktop support for the new Apple Music Service.


Google Introduces New ‘Chromebox for meetings’

Chromebox for meetings

Google has introduced Chromebox for meetings, presenting new hardware that will better provide support for bigger gatherings of individuals who need to hold remote gatherings.



Mozilla Launches an Android App, Webmaker for Generating Content in Local Languages



Nine months since it was reported, Mozilla’s Webmaker application for creating content in local languages has now arrived on Google Play — currently though in beta version.


Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design

Quick Tips to Improve Your Web Design

Website is the face of your business. If the design of your website is not up to the latest web standards then probably you will not get success in terms of business, traffic and leads.



Google Confirms “Buy” Button Is Coming To Search Ads

Google Confirms “Buy” Button

Google has confirmed that it will soon add “Buy” button to its search ads allowing people to buy products which are featured in shopping ads from its search page.

