Singsys blog

AppDirect Acquires Data Visualization Company Leftronic

AppDirect Acquires Data Visualization


Image: Leftronic


AppDirect has acquired Leftronic to Deliver Fast Access to Data and Analytics Dashboards for App.


W3C Announces HTML5 Standard Complete

W3C Announces HTML5 Standard Complete

After a long stay in draft stage, HTML5 has reached the official Recommendation stage, meaning the W3C finally completed it as an official standard, even as the most of the features are already implemented by the browser. HTML is mainly developed by WHATWG group (


Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App?

Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App


Your Customers are on mobile, is your Business? Mobile Apps plays a very important role in the expansion of your Business. Mobile Apps are also called as Game Changers for your small, large and medium-sized business.


Google Releases New Bookmarking Service, ‘Bookmark Manager’ for Chrome

Bookmark Manager


Google’s new bookmarking service ‘Bookmark Manager’ has goes live. This was previously called as Stars.



Microsoft Office 365 Offering Unlimited Cloud Storage to its Subscribers

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft has announced that it will offer unlimited storage on One Drive for all its Office 365 subscribers. Currently this expansion will be available for Home, Personal and University subscriber.

