Singsys blog

Google Announces Android 5.0 Lollipop

Android 5.0 Lollipop


Google has officially released the next version of Android Operating system, Android 5.0 Lollipop which is formerly known as Android L. The first two devices to run Android Lollipop will be the HTC Nexus 9 tablet and the Motorola Nexus 6.


Google Developed a Smart Autofill Add-on for Google Spreadsheets

Google Spreadsheets


Google has developed an Autofill add-on for Google sheets to predict unknown or blank values with machine learning.



Online Tools for Testing Code Snippets

Every developer wants to check their code before it goes live. For this purpose we have collected the list of some best online tools to help programmers for testing, debugging and sharing their code snippets.

1.  Google Codes Playground

Google Codes Playground


Google Launches Primer, an App that Provides Marketing Lessons for Startups



Google has launched a new iPhone App called Primer that provides the basics for Marketing, PR and Search Advertising to Startups.



Skype to Block Local Voice Calls on Mobile, Landline from India

Skype to Block Local Voice Calls on Mobile


Skype said that it will stop the calling feature from its application on mobile and landline phones within India from 10 November 2014.

