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Using Swift to Call Objective C Code

 Swift is a new programming language that is purely compatible with objective C. This makes it possible to use objective C file code in Swift file

Swift is a new programming language that is purely compatible with objective C. This makes it possible to use objective C file code in Swift file. Apple claims the co-existence of Swift and Objective C in an application but, this does not relate to re-using old classes made  in Objective-C whilst building new classes in Swift. The reason being as Objective-C is a platform-independent language unlike  Swift is platform-dependent. Now, implementing non-platform-dependent code in Swift won’t be fruitful. henceforth, writing platform dependent code in Swift would be absolutely fine.


Apache Spark to Boost SQL Efficiency on Hadoop in Splice Machine 2.0

Apache Spark to Boost SQL Efficiency on Hadoop in Splice Machine 2.0

Apache Spark became popular as an in-memory data processing framework that is frequently used with Hadoop. It is also very quickly transforming into a hub for building of other data-processing products. Recently released, version 2.0 of the SQL-RDBMS-on-Hadoop solution Splice Machine use Spark as either of two processing engines. Incoming work is allocation between them depends is it an OLTP or OLAP workload.



Why WordPress Should be your E-commerce Choice

Wordpress E-commerce

An e-commerce website is your gateway to sell all that is imaginable. The core requirement is a great platform that is easy to use and a user oriented website. WordPress is one such highly functional and futuristic content management system for reliable online store and business transaction. I would  let you know  why with a logical breakdown of the reasons.



Right Approach to interact Objective-C Classes in CocoaScript

Right Approach to interact Objective-C Classes in CocoaScript-Singsys

In this post we will learn the basics of how to use CocoaSpirit for interacting with Objective-C. Let us consider the following example.


Example of Objective-C class

@interface Object1 : NSObject
@property id value1;
@property NSArray *array1;
– (void)selector1;
– (void)selector2:(id)arg1 withArg2:(id)arg2;


Basics to Fix WordPress Security Loopholes

Wordpress Securitytips

WordPress is currently most popular content management system that powers a whopping 75 million websites. This means every 1 in 5 website is based on WordPress. Statistics by recent survey
revealed that as much as 73% of these websites are vulnerable to attack. If you aren’t running the updated WordPress Version that you are inviting multiple bugs that will be used by hackers as a platform to compromise your website security.
