Singsys blog

Android Oreo Features that takes it Above an Ordinary Operating System

Android Oreo Features

Oreo is the latest version of Android Operating System. A couple of days back it is available for supporting google Pixel and Nexus devices. Some of the most discussed features of Oreo update includes Picture-in-Picture mode, smart text selection, auto-fill, and custom notifications. If you don’t own a google device you need to wait till the official launch of Android 8.0 which can be between 3 to 12 months.



What Makes Mobile Apps Menu Meaningful

What Makes Mobile Apps Menu Meaningful

Either it is an application or a website users mainly rely over menus to locate the content and use the features. The importance of menu makes them available on all websites or in an application. As every menu is not designed equally which might lead to confusion hence, sometime are not smooth to deal with.


iOS Application Battery Optimization Techniques to Minimize Burden on Battery

iOS Application Battery Optimization

The obvious battery issue with an iPhone is we want it to last as long as we require it. Now with every passing year, although they are shipped embedded with high-end processors, better display with higher resolution but the progress in terms of battery technology is not at par. Before getting any deeper let me tell you that there are two factors that need to be taken care of parallel or optimized together for experiencing the best phase of your iPhone battery life or any other apple device.



Sarahah App to Deliver Users Constructive Criticism Completely Anonymously

sarahah app

Image credit: Google Play 

Sarahah  is a recently launched  app that will help user to discover their strength, weakness and other remarks by their close ones. The USP of the app lies in the fact that the message you will receive will be completely anonymous. Anonymity has been always leveraged to present the raw and brutal feedback and same is the logic of sarahah.


Android App: Battery Optimization Best Practices for Zero Compromise on Performance

Battery Optimization Best Practices for Zero Compromise on Performance-New


The smartphones we own today are more powerful than before and boast hundreds of application to keep us entertained and informed but one thing we always desire is long lasting battery life to avoid getting disconnected from rest of the world.

